Can a device have more than one MAC address? The MAC address is a 12 digit hexadecimal number that is most often displayed with a colon or hypen separating every two digits (an octet), making it easier to read.Įxample: A MAC address of 2c549188c9e3 is typically displayed as 2C:54:91:88:C9:E3 or 2c-54-91-88-c9-e3. The NIC is where you make your physical connection to the network, by plugging in an Ethernet cable or connecting to a WiFi signal. The MAC address is tied to the Network Interface Controller (NIC), a subcomponent of the larger device. Just like each house has it's own postal address, every device connected on a network has a Media Access Control (MAC) address, that uniquely identifies it.
This is a MAC Address What's a MAC Address and how do I find it?